Doing Diversity Differently

Monthly Membership

Diversity Dots and Songs

Monthly “Dots of Diversity” knowledge and understanding for you, together with
diversity-aware songs to share with your 3 to 7 year olds

Doing Diversity Differently

Monthly Membership

‘Diversity Dots’ & Songs to Support Diversity Awareness

Help yourself and others become better diversity practitioners – there’s no better way to demonstrate this learning than by sharing songs with your young children.

It also means you can help others to understand how they can also become effective diversity ambassadors – just through joining our diversity dots – one little dot at a time!

Diversity Dots and Songs is an innovative way to both learn and teach – all at the same time!


It works like this:

Each month you will receive information associated with each of our ‘Dots’:

🔵 Diversity Fact Dot
🔴 Diversity Child Development Dot
🟣 Diversity Reflection Dot
🟢 Diversity Application Dot
🟡 Diversity Children’s Song Dot

You can study them in whichever order you please (although we always suggest an optimal sequence!)

Learn about diversity in different ways, then share your knowledge with your children, family and colleagues.

Meet the Dots


Diversity Fact Dot

Receive a dot of Diversity Knowledge about a different aspect of diversity each month, along with the following accompanying dots below…


Diversity Child Development Dot

Learn how this particular aspect of diversity develops in 3 to 7-year olds.


Diversity Reflection Dot

Take time to think about how you respond to this aspect of diversity in your own life and practice.


Diversity Application Dot

Don’t just read about diversity – learn to apply it directly to your own setting through our tips and suggestions.


Diversity Children's Songs Dot

Once you have knowledge about diversity, you can feel confident to share it with your children. We provide up to 4 songs each month, together with a vast array of supporting materials (videos, activities and audio tracks) for you to download, keep and use for evermore!

“Your input, guidance, expertise and good humour have erased my anxieties around understanding diversity.

I thought you were brilliant at conciliating the seriousness of the topics with being relaxed and focused at the same time. “

David Richard

Why should I Join?

Become an exemplary diversity practitioner
Learning a little bit about diversity each month deepens your own knowledge, becoming broader and deeper whilst sharing it with your children through easy-to-deliver songs so that they become practised in thinking about diversity, too. You will become a role-model by showing how diversity-awareness sits at the very heart of everything you do.

Inspire others to do the same
By practicing what you preach, you become recognised as an expert in two fields both at the same time. Firstly, you can relate your diversity understanding to your children’s development and experiences, and secondly, you translate your knowledge into simple terms, through songs and conversations, that others can understand and act upon immediately.
To expand and develop your own diversity and musical horizons
With each new Diversity Dot and song that you discover, explore and deliver, you will find your own knowledge expanding dramatically and effortlessly. By using our step-by-step and month-by-month resources, you will find you are able to save both time and energy as you enjoy our ready-made, growing resource library.

Price Plans

One-off £27 Registration Fee


monthly £13

or annually £130 (2 months free)

While the membership fee will increase in 2024, we promise that your monthly payment at the time of joining will remain the same for the life of the membership, while you are registered with us .

Already have a Musicbuds-Learning account? Please log in using your email and password before proceeding to sign up to the membership. If you need help, email



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Teacher and diverse preschool boys and girls playing musical toys



2 months free